It's mud challenge day and with the rain having made things extra messy, children are really excited about the prospect of getting dirty!

Rainfall earlier this week has ensured that the mud challenge is in perfect condition for participants today, in contrast with some previous years visits when conditions have been very dry, this week the mud challenge is littered with puddles and boggy mud. Ostensibly an obstacle course consisting of activities that challenge all physical and coordination skills, as you may have concluded from its name, the mud challenge has the added ingredient of many puddles and boggy areas that are often unavoidable - to the delight of everyone who takes part.

Children are tackling the mud challange in small teams. Whilst most of the obstacles can be navigated independently, encouragement is needed from the team to pass through, over or under an obstacle - more so when reaching the other side demands that you get very wet and / or dirty in the process!

The mud challenge is so dirty that in order to clean up, everyone has an outdoor shower (still in muddy clothes, so they get a little wash too!) before heading back to thier dormatory for another shower and a change of clothes!

Being the last night of the trip, children enjoy a disco tonight before a final morning of activities tomorrow.

We know you are looking forward to welcoming your children back after their residential visit. We expect coaches to arrive back at school between 2.15-2.30pm on Friday; we will text you if there are any changes to these timings. Please arrive and go directly to the school playground keeping the roadway and gates free of traffic and pedestrians. Staff will assist the children to disembark from the coaches and gather their luggage. Children will then be directed to the playground to greet you and be taken home.

We are sure that the children will have had a fantastic time, their behaviour has been exemplary and their team sprit, resilience and support for one another over the course of the week is truly admirable. We wish to thank all parents for your support and patience over the course of this week.