
The school’s Governing Body consists of Parent Governors, a Governor appointed by the local authority, the Headteacher, Staff Governors and Co-opted Governors. Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body, being people who are keen to support the school in a Governor role and who possess particular skills and knowledge that the Governing Body has identified as useful to governance of the school. The Governing Body may be assisted by Associate Governors if required (who do not possess voting rights).

You can find more about us individually on the Meet the Governors page.

If you are interested in joining us please see Governor Vacancies to see if there are any openings or for more information.

Meeting Dates

The Governing Body meets in full about once a month during the school year. The meeting dates for September 2023 until July 2024 are:

  • 16th October
  • 27th November
  • 22th January
  • 12th February
  • 12th March
  • 14th May
  • 11th June
  • 16th July

Reference Documents

The following documents are provided as a statutory reference: