Learning Consultations

Learning Consultations enable you, your child and the class teacher to discuss your child's learning within the curriculum; this constitutes learning in all subjects, and particularly in Writing, Reading and Maths.

We aim for children to develop as independent learners, to learn to take responsibility for their learning and to develop positive attitudes and behaviours for learning. This is more successfully achieved when a constructive partnership between teacher, parent and pupil is forged, of which Learning Consultations are an important part. Therefore, we encourage you to take the opportunity to have your child present during the Learning Consultation. In partnership, we have the biggest impact on children by involving them in the whole learning process at every stage, and that requires their involvement in discussions about their learning and what they need to do next to improve.

We will be offering afternoon and early evening appointments for you to sign-up to. 

Learning Consultations are a valuable opportunity for professional dialogue between teacher, parent and child and an opportunity to address:

  • Learning targets in Maths, Reading and Writing
  • Personal and social development and behaviour
  • Attitude, application to work across the curriculum and effort
  • Effort, strengths and areas for improvement
  • Home learning and remote learning
  • Attendance and punctuality
  • What you can do to support learning at home


Learning Consultations take place in your child's class and in order to fit all appointments in, we must limit the time with the teacher to 10 minutes per child. If a longer discussion is necessary, please contact the class teacher to arrange a further appointment at another time. Please remember that teachers have multiple meetings throughout the evening and must keep to a schedule in order to give all parents the opportunity to benefit from the meeting. There is an opportunity to look at the work your child has already produced this year in their exercise books.

All Learning Consultations will take place in your child’s class

Booking Your Appointment

Booking is via Parentmail. If you are currently unable to access Parentmail, please contact the school office for assistance.

Follow the steps in this Parentmail tutorial to book your appointment. Appointments will onyl be visible when we have enabled bookings.

If you encounter any difficulties in booking your appointment, please call the school office for assistance on 01256 762 468.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to share in the Learning Consultations.