All safeguarding incidents are recorded and managed in CPOMS, a safeguarding and child protection management system for schools.

All staff have been granted access to CPOMS and you must complete a registration process before you can use CPOMS to record safeguarding incidents.

Step 1 - Registration (new users only)

Visit the teachers homepage and follow the CPOMS link.

Teachers Homepage

On the login page, do not enter any credentials and instead click the link below the username and password box labelled 'Forgotten your password or using CPOMS for the first time'.

Enter your email address and press the Reset Password button.

Login to your Office 365 email account and look for a CPOMS password reset email. Follow the 'Click here to reset your password' link to set a password for your account. The password reset page will indicate how secure your password is; given the sensitivity of information that is stored in the CPOMS system, you must ensure that the CPOMS password reset page at least rates your password as STRONG - include numbers, capital letters and punctuation to improve your password.

After setting your password, you will be directed to the login page. Enter your email address and the password you have just chosen.

Viewing Historic Incidents

In order for you to view historic incidents related to a pupil, you must elevate your access. Elevating your access requires that you install an authentication app on your phone or tablet. The app download process and subsequent configutation are all explained in the Soft Key Setup instructions that you must follow next. When you have completed the Soft Key setup process, you will be able to Elevate your Access and view additional CPOMS content.

Step 2 - Recording Safeguarding Incidents

Once logged in, your are presented with the CPOMS dashboard. This provides two major functions for you as a staff member:

  • view incidents that you have been alerted to
  • add a new incident

CPOMS Dashboard

Adding an Incident

Any safeguarding incident involving a child must be recorded on CPOMS. The process is started from the CPOMS dashboard - select the Add Incident link on the purple toolbar at the top of the CPOMS page.

Complete the details as follows:

  • Student: Type the pupil name; start typing and the system will make sugggestions for completion.
  • Incident: Describe the incident you are recording; be accurate and specific; if using a student name, make sure this is spelled identically to the Student or Linked Student fields.
  • Categories: Select at least one category; you can select more than one if appropriate.
  • Linked Students: Type the name of any pupil that may be linked to this incident; this will ensure the incident is presented when viewing linked student records. Add as many linked students as necessary.
  • Body Map: If appropriate, expand the Body Map and add markings to the illustration to indicate where physical evidence has been identified. Note the number that appears with each mark on the Body Map and refer to this number when describing the physical evidence.
  • Date / Time: Enter the Date and Time the incident occurred. These will both default to the current Date and Time.
  • Alert Staff Members: Add to this list any staff members who should be aware of the incident. Staff will be alerted to the incident via their CPOMS Dashboard (the page they see immediately after login) Staff members who have been selected to receive alerts will also receive an email requesting that they login to CPOMS and review the incident.
  • Files: If you have files to support the incident, these can be uploaded here (for example, meeting minutes). Press the upload button or drag and drop a file into the Files box.
  • Agency Involved: Optionally, you can add any agencies that may be involved with this particular incident.

When you have finished adding all details to the Incident, press the Add Incident button to submit the content and record it permanently in CPOMS.