Year 6 children arrived yesterday at PGL Marchants Hill outdoor activity centre.

This week, children from year six will be enjoying a busy week of outdoor challenges and new experiences at Marchants Hill activity centre.

After a long and exciting day at school, year six arrived at Marchants Hill safely in yesterday's foggy weather. The children began by unloading their luggage and settling into their dormitories. For their first evening, the group ate dinner and then gathered around the camp fire in the misty forest. Following some songs and a few stories, they found their beds and had a restful night's sleep!

A bright and early start this morning was helped by a little sunshine and a good breakfast. The children are excited for their first full day of activities! Each day will typically consist of either two short or one long activity before lunch, followed by either two short or one long activity during the afternoon. All children will participate in a broad range of activities each day for the duration of their stay.

We are excited to see what the children get up to this week and will continue to share their experience of Marchants Hill as the week goes on.

Please note that in the event of a need to communicate urgent information to your child, you must in the first instance contact the school office between the hours of 08:00 and 16:30. We do not provide an emergency contact number outside these times. Please be assured that if we have anything urgent to communicate with you regarding your child whilst they are away, a member of school staff will contact you as swiftly as possible.