Staff Induction

Our induction process includes a number of activities that you must complete when starting in your new role.

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Complete the induction trianing from The Key titled 'Safeguarding and Child Protection - The Essentials' which covers Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1 and Annex A and declare that you have done so by completing a brief survey.

The Prevent Duty

Complete the Prevent Duty training. This is most conveniently completed on a desktop computer but you can also do this on a tablet or mobile phone. At the end of the training you are given the opportunity to produce a certificate. You must produce a certificate and send a copy to Mrs Drew or Mr Grant for our records. If you do not provide a certificate, you will be asked to complete the training again.

School Policies

You are required to read a number of school policies, each of which is available to read online with the links below. It is necessary for us to collect evidence of your having read the documents - the 'Declare you have read all policies' link below you will direct you to a survey where you will declare that you have done so. You don't need to read all the policies at once, however, please only declare that you have read them once (after you have read them all).

When you have read these documents, declare that you have read all policies by completing a short survey.

Health and Safety e-Learning

After your contract begins, you are required to complete three online Health and Safety courses via 'The Learning Zone'. Access this via the 'Shared Services' link on the Teachers Homepage. If this is the first time, use the 'Register' button and follow the on-screen instructions. You must have your staff personnel number and national insurance number to hand in order to register. Once logged in, follow the 'Learning Zone' link and complete each of the listed courses:

  • moving and handling
  • display screen equipment
  • fire safety induction

Your completion of these courses is automatically recorded once you reach the end of the learning materials - there is no requirement to print a certificate.